I just want to share my inspiration what I feel, what I think, and everything But I want to try writing anything and share with other.... Hi Future Generation ...

Learning with movie

Hallohaaa future generation .... I be able make a movie you know, and I had already produced two movies, one for the task ict and the other for my exam IELL1 project. Yahh ... although maybe not so perfect but I'm happy because this is the result of his own made. Here the movie that I made.

Please enjoy :p


this is movie for exam IELL1 project

this is movie for ICT assignment

Nb: if you feel confused (I hope not) the story in my movie, this is the text for my movie :
- Movie IELL1 project

- Movie ict assignment 

thank you for watching my movie :)

my prezi

Hi future generation ... I will share knowledge about new things very interesting. Bored right if made ​​the presentation with models that's it (Ms. Power Point). Well there is a new way that you can make that is by prezi. This is an application for an online presentation with Web-based system and a lot of things more unique that we can make to the presentation of course.
Want to Know how to make it how?
Let's find out ....

And this is one of the presentation that I made.

ICT in My Senior high School

essay project

Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning Using Technology

Technology, as we all know, is a lot of help and improve activities in life. Technology, in Britannica Encyclopedia, is defined as the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life. (Britannica, 2009). Technology in education can is an important role in improving the education system. You can view electronic gadgets and computers used in schools, colleges and universities. Audio-visual tools that are used as a learning media to teach of complex topics and more practical in a fun way for students.  Then learning using technology is to study and practice to creating, using and managing technological processes appropriate resource and utilization. The purpose of learning using technology is utilization of the method and media communication be effectively to help the learner to the maximum development potential. Learning using technology is a method of modern learning but does not mean discouraging traditional learning methods. Technology is only further enrich the educational system. Using technology to bring new innovations in the education system. To make the students get a new challenge with confidence. Learning using technology can make learning process more effective and we can train students of skill to use technology.
Learning using technology can encourage students to become more active learning (active Learners), possible of many variations that can be done in the process of learning and teaching, obtained multiple skills and efficiencies achieved. For example in Indonesia, schools that use information technology in this learning process be able to interesting many students. Parents also tend to send their children to school so even though they are relatively expensive compared to other schools that do not use the information technology. Application of technology in learning to prove if the educational institution to take the technology in Education team spirit so that students can develop leadership skills and knowledge skills. But in learning using technology there are advantages and disadvantages. Currently, many schools are using the Internet as a learning media, but not all schools have been using it especially for schools in isolated areas that have not enough got the resources of technology as a learning media. Internet can cause positive and negative effects if not used according to its function especially for the students. Therefore the teacher's role in the learning technology is very important because the teacher as a facilitator who will guide students in using technology.
Using technology to education has many advantages. There are many available educational software that helps students and teachers in different ways.
There are some advantages of learning using technology : 
  • Easy to explore the subject material. Teachers can post course materials or information on a website only, which means students can study at times and locations that they like and can get a very fast learning materials. 
  • Can do distance learning. With the internet students can send tasks via email to the teacher or communicate without having to meet the teacher directly. 
  • The subject made ​​it easier to learn. Many types of educational software designed and developed to help students to learn certain subjects. The students can give a assignment in the form of a power point presentation. With this, learning be interesting, students also become active and contribute a lot in the development of their personality. 
  • Make games that are designed specifically to improve the learning concept when applied to educate students and act as a stress reliever for them. 
  • Time of learning more effective. 
Usefulness of technology in learning not only in schools but also in their daily lives. In addition the use of technology in learning can make learning a more active and varied because of the many technological innovations that can be a teacher and the student who developed it so that learning is not boring.The advantage of the technology can not be denied, especially considering the recent trends in e-learning which changing the learning process, but although this weakness should not be ignored. The following are some disadvantages of learning using technology : 
  • Traditional skills and training of students are being abandoned. The use of calculators by students avoid them for the manual count that could inhibit the development of brain activity and mental capabilities. 
  • Use of internet in education to students to get a false or misleading information, but also to engage in plagiarism. Tasks quickly resolved by reproducing the information available rather than produce it themselves. 
  • The changing role of teachers from the beginning master the conventional learning techniques, they now demanded to know the techniques of learning using ICT.
  •  The lack of interaction between teacher and student or among students. This can slow the establishment values ​​in the process of learning and teaching.
Disadvantages of using technology in learning this because it is caused by something including the abuse of the benefits of technology, lack of skills to use technology, and the unavailability of internet facilities in some schools.

            Using technology in education is supporting education in achieving a more globalization. Therefore technology is not always the main thing and important in the learning process. Without technology still many ways that we can use to create a learning process more interesting example with games, or by making a smart book that makes a book unique things that can make the students interested. This can be done in schools that have not received enough technological facilities. As we know the technology in learning when used according with the utility will make a profit but otherwise if not used according to its function then it will be a disadvantages. Therefore, using the technology in the learning needs of teachers and parents roles as facilitators and oversight the students or their children because of the many deviations that occur today. Advantages and disadvantages of technology can we face when we have the skills in using the technology itself. We need to see again the purpose of learning using technology is utilization of the method and some communication media effectively to help the learner to the maximum development potential. So the technology is as a medium for learning to search for information and further knowledge in the learning process but we also have to read the book as a guide in education.

References :

Bibin Story

Bibin hanya adalah sebuah kiasan yang mungkin sedikit aneh didengar tapi don't negative thinking about because this is a beautiful friendship.
Mengapa "bibin" ??
Siapa "bibin" ??
Apakah "bibin" ??

I want to share with you....

Kami bertemu di sebuah universitas yang sangat diimpikan semua orang, sebut saja Sampoerna School of Education. saat itu kami sedang mengikuti test untuk masuk ke SSE. Mungkin ini adalah pertemuan yang telah direncanakan oleh tuhan yang tidak pernah kita tahu. Awalnya aku as "bibida" bertemu dengan "bibin Mamar" as Maria Kristina dan "bibin Pipit" as Fitria dan kami dipertemukan lagi dengan 2 bibin lainnya yaitu "bibin Teter" as Ester Meila dan "bibin Rurut" as Ruth Irda Damayanti lalu bertambah lagi 1 bibin yaitu "bibin Ma'e" as Abida Ahzaryyah.
Kita singkat saja kisah ini----

Kami bersatu menjadi mahasiswa baru di SSE #senangnya# lalu ada kesepakatan yang kami ucapkan dengan polosnya "kita akan menggemparkan kampus tercinta ini" tentunya dengan kreativitas dan prestasi kita semua dengan potensi masing-masing yang kita punya. Ospek hari pertama, kedua, ketiga dan sampai 6 hari pun kita lalui.
Tapi ada satu hari yang sangat bersejarah saat itu dan ituuuuuuu adalaaaaahhhhh.....
Aku terjebur selokan saat pulang ospek dan itu pada hari ke5. Ya allah betapa malunya aku... itu disaksikan secara eksklusif oleh bibin mamar, bibin rurut, bibin pipit. Hmmm...aku yakin mereka pasi ingin menertawakan aku tapi mereka menahannya karena kasihan kali yaa???!!!

hari demi hari pun berlalu persahabatan kami semakin dekat, tiba-tiba ada satu problem jeng jeng jeng...

pertama.. diawali dengan (upss sepertinya cerita ini tidak dapat di share biarkan beberapa dari kami saja yang tahu karena ini adalah janji).
dan yang kedua adalah aku sendiri, aku pernah mengalami sedikit cek cok dengan bibin teter, tapi itu semua sudah terselesaikan. Aku sempat sangat kesal dengan dia, entah kenapa hari itu sangat menyebalkan berawal dari kelompok lalu bentakan dari hp. akhirnya aku melakukan #sensor#. Lalu aku dan bibin teter dipertemukan dalam sebuah forum oleh bibin mamar. Disitu kami mengeluarkan unek unek kami masing-masing. Setelah kami berbincang-bincanh akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk menutup perang dingin ini.

Karena kami adalah bibin kadang kami melakukan hal hal yang aneh tapi tetap masih beretika. Jadi salah satu diantara kami ada yang mempunyai cem-ceman masing-masing tapi itu semua dijodohkan oleh kita jadi bukan dari pilihan hati masing-masing hanya kebibinan kita saja.

bibin mamar dia mempunyai cena yaaannnggg ber----- sebut saja I, tapi entah sampai sekarang apakah hubungan itu berlanjut serius atau tidak, *para bibin menunggu kabarnya segera*
ini berawal dari saat pertama masuk kampus tepatnya dari sms misterius lhoooo....

next, bibin pipit ini siapa yaaa??? para bibin bingung mau menjodohkan dengan siapa. Kami belum menemukan yang pas nih. lebih tepatnya gadis yang satu ini masih LDR sepertinya hmm...

then bibin rurut ini ini paling heboh, entah berawal darimana. tapi dia jadi canggung lho sampai tidak berani melihat atau deket orangnya pasti dia langsung kabur kalo ketemu,,, tapi aku dan para bibin hanya tertawa terbahak-bahak wkwkwkwkwk...

and bibin teter ini berawal dari acara gathering bersama SSB, bibin teter dipasangkan dengan pria yang unik dalam sebuah drama, tapi entah hubungan ini akan berlanjut atau tidak karena mereka sudah lama tak bertemu...

#kita doakan saja yaaa#

hmm.. bibin ma'e, bibin yang satu ini belum ada dan belum kita temukan. tapi sepertinya beliau sedang patah hati lihat saja status di fb nya hehehe
tenang bibin ma'e kita akan hunting buat kau....

last one, me.. aku yang sangat menyedihakn disini... karena akulah yang sering di bully oleh mereka. dipasangkan dengan inilah dengan itulah...
tapi ini hanya bercandaan lhoooo....

so we can know about bibin, mengapa bibin?? karena bibin itu adalah sebuah sesuatu yang aneh tapi berarti dan itu tercetus dari dua para bibin yaitu bibin mamar dan bibin rurut.

siapa bibin?? bibin itu adalah kita bukan kamu atau aku tapi bersama jadi susah senang kita bersama .

apakah bibin?? jadi bibin adalah sebuah persahabatan dan kita pun dapat berteman dengan siapa saja jadi tidak hanya kita-kita saja, kita bisa menghibur siapa saja, itulah bibin. melakukan terbaik yang dapat kita lakukan, optimis, berjuang, positive thinking, semangat, dan senyum :)

kisah ini belum seberapa masih banyak kisah lainnya yang lebih mengguncang

to be continue.....

I want to....

Banyak yang aku inginkan dalam hidup ini.
Banyak yang ingin aku capai dalam hidup ini.
Banyak yang ingin aku share dalam hidup ini.
Banyak yang ingin aku wujudkan dalam hidup ini.
Banyak orang yang ingin aku bahagiakan dalam hidup ini.

Tapi aku ingin menjadi orang yang berguna untuk semua orang dan keluarga dengan kemampuan yang aku miliki. Satu hal yang terlihat kecil walaupun menurutku itu adalah impian besar adalah melihat keharmonisan dalam keluargaku, melihat kebahagiaan, melihat ketenangan, melihat keutuhan, melihat kerukunan, melihat kedekatan, melihat semua keindahan yang aku inginkan...

Namun teman-temanku mengatakan aku masih beruntung dibandingkan dengan orang lain diluar sana yang keadaannya lebih buruk dibandingkan aku, dan ada seseorang yang mengatakan "aku kagum sama kamu, karena kamu bisa kuat dan tegar dengan semua ini, mungkin jika melihat orang-orang diluar sana yang posisinya sama dengan kamu, mereka sudah melakukan hal-hal konyol".
Ini membuat aku bingung, mengapa dia bisa berkata seperti itu???
Tapi kata-kata ia membuat aku bisa bangkit dan ngga mau terpuruk dari semua ini. Aku masih punya masa depan yang harus aku raih, aku masih punya tugas sebagai seorang anak, aku masih punya impian yang harus aku kejar, dan aku harus menyelesaikan pendidikanku dengan hasil yang bagus..

Aku masih beruntung mempunyai banyak teman dan sahabat disekeliling aku. Mereka bisa ada kapanpun disaat aku senang dan sedih. Bisa terima aku dalam keadaan apapun.
Mereka jadi penyemangat aku, mereka jadi tempat bersandar aku, mereka jadi kakak, keluarga, apapun...

Bu Erita, Pak Khoi, Glosempt, Gabby, Indi, Bibin Maria, Bibin Ruth, Bibin Fitria, Bibin Ester, Ka Yosea, Ka Woro dan semua orang yang udah buat aku hidup kembaliiiiiii.
Thank you so much, I miss you all, I'll never forget the advice you :)

Buat Mama, aku akan berusaha jadi anak yang bisa membanggakan dan yang akan derajat orangtua.
Thank you for your struggle during this :*

Buat papa, I want you to change, I want you to be a father that understanding, I want to see you pray.
Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks a lot
muaahh muaahhh muaahhhhh ( hug and kiss :*)

New Knowledge in ICT

ICT hmm ....

Technology is always involving from year to year, month to month, week to week, day to day maybe even hour to hour. But I could get it to apply the new technology every week. I can get it when I followed the ICT classroom ...For nearly six months I was studying at SSE, many new things that I get is one of the technology. The technology that I get makes me more enthusiasm for learning because learning to be interesting, not boring and does not make sleepy hehe ...

First, I get a new application for the presentation with a web-based online system. Waahh .. This cool, it makes the presentation was not only in Ms. PowerPoint. Although initially a little difficult to apply but with his own trial and error finally. ... Because this prezi flash based so it is rather heavy for a slow internet connection. 

Then next week is inspiration9, this is an application to create charts and concept of a project. More interesting was, because I usually make in MS.Word. But unfortunately this rarely inspiration9 application could be a version of the free trialnya. 

And the next is movie. Now I know how to make a movie, this is the thing I really like. I can make the creation of what all my experience into a movie that can be shared to others in a fun way. And I've made two movies. 

And the next is WebQuest. It is fun but somewhat difficult to create. But you know this is very interesting especially for the learning process. Well for the future teacher you know this could be an example for how to teach the students do not get bored. This can make students study independently.It turned out that with the knowledge and science of technology that I can, this is a stock that I can implement when I became an educator later. Besides it can be an inspiration to friends all in making something new. 

All this would not be separated from someone who is very meritorious and role in life and all the technological knowledge that I can that is Mr. Moh. Rinaldi, all my friends and Sampoerna School of Education who have helped so far.

Thank you for everything, perhaps there are many more new things will I get it later so wait for further news ya friends ...And I do not forget to thank those who have been taking the time to read this post on my blog.
Oiaa..the result of my creativity, you can see in the next post. Do not forget to give comment friends ...